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faq about musicarpet

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(in)Frequently Asked Questions about Musicarpet

Q: What does Musicarpet means?

A:  I wanted something original and funny. It's a combination of Music and Carpet. You're the music, and I'm the carpet for you to step on and enjoy:)

Q:  Your recording sucks. What did you use to record your clips?

A:  Thanks. I'm a primitive guy. Started with an ancient camera [Canon IXUS 230 HS] which broke down later on. Sound recording was bad in my early videos. Got myself an iphone8 (September 2018 - present).

Q:  What piano are you playing on?

A:  It's the only piano I've ever owned. A 20+ year-old Yamaha E116.

Q:  Why are you recording accompaniment pieces instead of regular solo pieces?

A:  I'm an average pianist. You can look up Youtube and find heaps of better players, masters playing their shit out. I'm better off doing something... less regular.


As a violin player myself, practice is boring without knowing the scope of the complete piece. While there is obviously no better replacement for an actual accompanist, having an accompaniment recording helps musicians to familiarize themselves with the music.


For weirdos like me, I don't have to hang out with cool musicians anymore to play the music I want. DIY FTW!

Q:  I thought you were camera-shy. Why did you record your face? You could've recorded just your fingers.

A:  Three things. I'd like to review my practice process and look for improvements. I get to document my growth in appearance, style, and weirdness. And my beard is a great watermark to prevent video theft.

Q:  What do you hope to achieve by creating Musicarpet?

A:  I want to have fun and be happy. This is actually my top priority in life. I want this project to become a lifelong personal goal, that would keep me motivated, generate a sense of achievement and occasional fun and joy. Hey, guess I'm not totally useless!

I might be cranky at times, but I'm a kind person... mostly. If my clips helped you and made your day, thank you! Cause you made me happy too!

Q:  You play okay, I guess. Can I request you to record a piece of my own choice? Please?

A:  For sure! You can email, whatsapp or post on my Youtube channel about your desired piece, and link me the score. I plan to play all the pieces in the world anyway:)  Just one thing, for pieces with many tempo fluctuations or lengthy rests (eg. concerto cadenzas), I doubt I could fulfil your request. 

Musicarpet - 自問自答

問: 點解你叫Musicarpet咁騎呢嘅?

答:  我想要原創嘅名,風馬牛不相及咁拼個字出黎。將Music(音樂)加Carpet(地氈)合併,我是地氈,你是音樂,HEHE~~

問: 你啲片質素好差吓喎,用乜野嚟拍片?

答:  最初用N年前買落嘅老爺相機[Canon IXUS 230 HS],所以初期音質差。之後用iphone8 (18年9月)做名符其實嘅果農。我對音樂有要求,但科技半白痴,但求就手唔好壞就夠。

問:  咁你部琴應該係靚野嚟啦?你靠佢揾食喎!

答:  我...  出世到而家都係用同一部琴...  Made in Japan廿幾年嘅Yamaha E116...  即係Yamaha U1嘅再次一級...  細蚊仔嗰陣點會諗自己有心彈成世... 日本仔出品又真係優質唔曉壞...  大個咗自己又窮無錢換琴...  彈彈下就彈到而家...

問:  年青人,究竟係咩驅使你錄伴奏片?係愛呀定係責任感呀??

答:  係廢呀!有頭髮邊個想做癩痢啊...  想聽好野嘅,Youtube大把大師級音樂家演奏片你睇,我呢類唔入流嘅都係行埋一二邊,小人物做少人做嘅事...

我哎吔都係個小提琴手,如果齋練無伴奏會好快想Quit... 而家有嘢聽下用下,用著先啦!



問:  你又話自己怕醜唔鐘意出鏡,咁你又錄埋自己個樣?齋錄手指唔得咩?

答:  怕醜還怕醜,錄完睇番檢討不足,從而改進自己,呢樣比個怕字重要好多。家陣我豁左出去,順便記錄自己成長過程都好啊(仲影埋生果同文宣~)。反正我個look咁趕客,應該無人會偷我啲片掛。。。

問:  你開Musicarpet係為左啲乜?

答:  找尋快樂。每朝起身可以向著個目標,一手一腳努力建構自己既世界,而呢個世界又會帶比我成就感,滿足感,對我呢個天生負能量嘅人來講,係一個好重要嘅避難所。


問:  如果我有首曲伴奏,想你幫我錄音,你O唔OK?

答:  得得得!我未至於有求必應,能力範圍內就OK,如果首野太多伴奏停頓(例如Concerto Candenza),拍子鬼五馬六或速度變化太大,我就無能為力了

歡迎你Whatsapp, Email或者post喺我Youtube Channel,最好就link/send份譜俾我啦,唔係首首都IMSLP到。我有時間就會錄,有拖冇欠。。。

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